For PC users:
Go to [Account Settings] to access your account settings and change your password through there.
For Mobile users:
Go to the menu icon on the upper right part of the screen and change your password through [Account Settings]
Please note that a password reset may not work if a special character was used: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )
If any of the above special characters were used when changing or resetting a password, there is a high chance of the password not changing or getting reset.
We recommend checking or changing your password to the standards found on Toomics.
Furthermore, In case you are having problems resetting your password and your Toomics account is tied to a social media account, we, unfortunately, cannot manually reset your password on our end. However, we can transfer your account to an email log-in account and then reset the password for you.
Once it is done, every time you log in to your Toomics account, you will have to manually type the email address and password in the sign-in pop-up window.
In case you would like us to manually reset your password, please contact us directly and provide us with the information below:
Login (email):
New password: