If you're having trouble locating your purchase, please check if you used a different login method when you subscribed or bought Coins. You might have used a social media account or just an email address and password. To ensure a smooth login process, always use the same login method.
If you subscribed through the app, your purchase might not be linked to your email account. When you log in through the app, it automatically creates an app account. First, restore your app purchase from your app store connection (Google Play Store for Android users / App Store for Apple users) and then register your email address to connect your app account with your web account.
For Google Android / Apple users, follow these steps:
- On your Android phone or tablet / iPhone or iPad, open the Google Play Store / App Store.
- Ensure you’re signed in to the correct Google / Apple account (the one you made your purchase with).
- Launch the Toomics app.
- Tap the red “VIP Membership” button.
- Leave the payments page by going back to our homepage.
- If nothing happens, tap “Customer Service” and then “Restore VIP Membership”.
- Press "Restore".
To connect your VIP membership to an email:
- With your Android / Apple device, log in to the Toomics app.
- Click on the Toomics logo at the top right corner of your screen and select "Sign up".
- Enter the email you would like to tie the VIP Membership to.
This should help you regain access to your VIP Membership!